What is Brand and How to Create One?

Oftentimes, we have been asked, what exactly is a Brand in Replug

A brand in Replug is a unique identity for your business. You can create a brand by adding the name, website, or Social profile URL and logo of your businesses to track their performance.

Let's say you have 5 websites, each carries a unique identity. These 5 unique identities are considered to be 5 unique brands in Replug. You can place the website logo or your profile picture as a brand to convey your message:

Here are the guidelines, which illustrate how to create your first brand.


Go to Manage from Dashboard

On the top Navigation menu, choose Manage. Afterward from the drop-down list, choose Brands



From the drop-down list, choose the Brands option


New Brand

Click on New Brand to start creating your new Brand

Please follow this GIF for illustration.



Logo, Name & URL

Now enter the Logo/ Image of the Brand, Name, and the URL

The illustration below shows how to add a Logo/ Image of your brand. Afterward, you have to Enter the Name of your Brand and URL to successfully launch your brand. 

In addition, please make sure to follow Logo upload guidelines

Recommended size: Less than 2MB (90 x 90)

The number of Brands that you can add depends on your current plan. You can always visit pricing to know more. Check Paid plans, trial plans, and special offers with Replug here. 

If you have any questions related to Replug, you can email us directly at the happiness team or use the live chat on this page (also available on the dashboard at any time).