Moosend Integration

Moosend has partnered with IBM to support your email marketing efforts with a leading reliable cloud hosting environment that will help you deliver your campaigns faster. Below are the steps which will help you to understand how you can integrate your Moosend account with

Step 1 Connect to Moosend

After setting up your Replug account. Go to the Integration, and click on the Connect button to integrate with the Moosend.

After clicking on it, they will require an API key to connect your Moosend account with Replug.

Step 2 Find Moosend key

In order to access API key, log in to your Moosend account.

Go to the Settings, at the bottom of the left corner. Click on it, hover over API key under the custom domain, there you'll find API key of your account.

Copy that key and paste it to connect your account with and then your account connected successfully.

In this step, we will reveal your Moosend mailing lists, you need to select your lists and click on the Save button.

Step 3 You're Done

You connected your Moosend account to Replug account. Now you log into your Replug account. Build the campaign, you need to select the Moosend in CTA type. After this, whenever a new lead is submitted, it will automatically show in a Moosend mailing list.


If you have connected your campaign to Moosend and data is not being passed to your form, these are the most common reasons as to why:

Email already in the Moosend mailing list
The email address entered into the campaign may already be in your Moosend mailing list, so it will not be added again.

The user did not opt-in
The user did not click the link in their double opt-in confirmation email that was sent to them. If they don't click that link, they won't be added to your mailing list.

Delay in reporting
Moosend is having a delay in reporting. Try checking again in a few hours.